We all have goals as businesses that provide products or services, and putting your user voice ahead can play a crucial role in inspiring your audiences. If you’ve developed a good relationship with your champion users, you can start making your leap to getting a case study with them.
What should you plan when doing a video case study? A video producer with gear, an interviewer, location, dates for the shoot, and interview questions. You can even plan a multi-interview case study to show a perspective of various user types and their experiences. If the budget is limited, consider recording interviews remotely, via an online platform.
When crafting a case study, you can follow the principles of writing a story and create topics and questions to support the narrative. Let me guide you through a few steps. Let them describe their role and goals. How they discovered and acquired your product and service. Ask about the solution and let them elaborate in detail. You can also ask additional questions about their perception of different stages in their user journey and how they feel after having your product or service to summarize their experience. Additionally, more tangible things that are qualitative and backed by numbers will help get across the value you provide.
To make your interviewee feel comfortable, create the best environment, and, in some cases, do a dry run of the interview before recording it since some people like to come more prepared than others.